Choć nie przepadam za 3 sezonem utkwiła mi w pamięci rozmowa między Maxem i Michaelem, kiedy w odcinku z podróżą poślubną Isabel pozbyła się Kivara i Max i Mike mieli wracać do domu:
MICHAEL: Let's go scuba diving.
MAX: Are you serious?
MICHAEL: When else?
MAX: You gotta seize the moment, Maxwell.
MAX: I've gotta get back home.
MICHAEL: There'll be plenty of time for your intense brooding moments with Liz later.
MAX: We were just almost obliterated by an alien killer.
MICHAEL: Which is why we need to chill.
MAX: Chill?
MICHAEL: Exactly. Chill. See some stingrays.
MAX: You're really serious about this.
Humor, Humorem Roswell
Moderator: piter
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