Shiri & Jason
Moderators: Olka, Ela, Xander, Pedros
Graalion ale np Brendan z Majadra byli razem na prawde i w serialu. Z Jasonem i Shiri mogło być tak samo. Po za tym z ich wsólnych zdjęć np z planu 4AAAB wynikało to że się naprawde bardzo lubią. Jeśli ich jeszcze nie widzialeś to ci powiem ze na tych zdjęciach oboje sie uśmiechali do siebie i przytulali.
"You are not my mother, Rome is my mother"

jako serialowa para byli ok, ale trzeba pamiętać że są aktorami i tam grali tylko swoje role (a że tak dobrze im to wychodziło to już inna sprawa
) w życiu realnym są zupełnie innymi osobami i najpewniej mają też inne upodobania, co innego pociąga, widać między Jasonem i Kate coś zaiskrzyło chociaż w serialu granie rodzeństwa też im dobrze wychodziło, serial swoje, życie swoje
BTW: a Jason jest jeszcze z Kate, ktoś to może wie, bo ja coś nigdzie nie znalazłam takiej informacji

BTW: a Jason jest jeszcze z Kate, ktoś to może wie, bo ja coś nigdzie nie znalazłam takiej informacji
Zycie jest jak pudełko czekoladek,nigdy nie wiesz co ci się trafi
Znalazłam taką małą ciekawostkę - cytat z artykułu w którym Shiri opowiada o swoich odczuciach i pracy z Jasonem kiedy po raz pierwszy przygotowywali się do scen pocałunków. Początki są zawsze trudne , potem Shiri nie miała juz takich oporów.
I niżej ich wspólne zdjęcie spoza planu filmowego. Czyż nie słodkie ?

"Given the number of intimate scenes between Appleby and Behr in the first season, it's a good thing the two young actors enjoy working together. "Jason is a really wonderful person to work with, very professional and prepared," Appleby notes. "We've become really good friends. Of course, it can be hard, because we spend so many hours a day playing this intense couple. But we're able to communicate and figure it all out. I like working with him because he's there for me. When we do scenes that are uncomfortable, like scenes where we're making out, Jason makes it very comfortable to shoot. I feel lucky to be working with him every day. But no matter who you're working with, it's difficult to do that kind of stuff because it's so personal. I may be playing a character, someone who is not me, but that is still my body, you know? That's my mouth he's kissing! Jason is wonderful. He'll say, 'Is this comfortable for you? Do you want me to put my hand somewhere else?' And I don't feel uncomfortable saying certain things. So I think we're both lucky." Besides Behr, another of Appleby's closest friends in the cast is Delfino." From the News Archive.

I niżej ich wspólne zdjęcie spoza planu filmowego. Czyż nie słodkie ?
"Given the number of intimate scenes between Appleby and Behr in the first season, it's a good thing the two young actors enjoy working together. "Jason is a really wonderful person to work with, very professional and prepared," Appleby notes. "We've become really good friends. Of course, it can be hard, because we spend so many hours a day playing this intense couple. But we're able to communicate and figure it all out. I like working with him because he's there for me. When we do scenes that are uncomfortable, like scenes where we're making out, Jason makes it very comfortable to shoot. I feel lucky to be working with him every day. But no matter who you're working with, it's difficult to do that kind of stuff because it's so personal. I may be playing a character, someone who is not me, but that is still my body, you know? That's my mouth he's kissing! Jason is wonderful. He'll say, 'Is this comfortable for you? Do you want me to put my hand somewhere else?' And I don't feel uncomfortable saying certain things. So I think we're both lucky." Besides Behr, another of Appleby's closest friends in the cast is Delfino." From the News Archive.

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