To może pociągniemy temat uwielbienia Jasona przez jego fanki. Wiemy, że w N.Y. rozpocząły zdjęcia do jego najnowszego filmu. Oczywiście dziewczyny wytropoiły go i jedna z nich (być może dziennikarka) relacjonuje jeden z pierwszych dni zdjęciowych. W ramach ciekawostek warto zacytowac co pisze. Co prawda dziewczynę w pewnym momencie poniosło (szalona

), ale robi to z takim wdziękiem. Uwielbienie dla niego fruwa pod sufitem...
Part 5
The crew was taking an awfully a long time to get everything set. Though I'm not complaining cuase I got to be Jason the whole day, and that was just fine by me. Jason took stage, still practicing. Singing to himself. Jason put his guitar down, and talked with Dominic and Joshua. I was talking with a friend of mine I just made while there (she's also one of the extras I've metion) Everyone was just talking with each other and waiting. I kept watching Jason from the corner of my eye and trying to easedrop on what he was talking about. Then all of a sudden I hear a high-pitched laugh form the stage. I turned around to see who made that sound and Jason turned around to the audience as well, with that cute little boyish-innocent-caught-guilty look on his face. I knew that was him. We all laugh cause he was being so weird and funny. I looked at him and said to myself "Damn, that was him? What was that all about? Whoa!" I have never heard him mske such sound (laughing) like that before....freaky. I went back to my conversation with my friend and so did Jason, then like 20 seconds later he did it again. I'm like looking at him that he went crazy, or whatever. But he was so cute when he's trying to look innocent.
Then later, one of the photographers came up to the stage and took differnet shoots of Dominic and Jason. Then one pic with both together. But that was not a regular pic. Jason posed for the camara with his middle finger up and biting his lower lip as if he really was a rock singer in a band. I just wish I could've get my hands on that picture. It would've cost lots!!!!!! Again, I have never ever seem Jason this way before, so wild! I like it!!!! I like it alot
Later on, we continue to do more filming, I lost count on how many times they want Jason to sing that song again and again. The extras and I were getting a little tired since we've been standing around alot. The bar was getting hotter and sweatyer as time went on. Although I don't sweat easily But Jason was!!!!!!! I was standing right afront of him from the stage. Just standing there and staring at him. He looked like an angel that came from above to please me and make me faint as this magnificant human being was standing there before me.
It seemed that God or someone out there had heard me in my thoughts and decided to make me go crazy for Jason even MORE!
nOW THIS IS THE PURE HOTTNESS I WAS TELLING YOU GUYS ABOUT.....GET READY...........Jason took the hem of his shirt and lifted it up to wip his sweat off his face.
OMG! I saw Jason's hard stomach when he lefted his shirt up and stoled a glance of his abs and his hairline from his bellybutton down to his....well you know:mischeif: my eyes went slowly down to pants, following the hairline that dissappeared below his pants. I was drooling like crazy! My eyes popped out of my sockets and my heart skipped a beat
My mind burst as I continued to stare at his abs. He might be skinny, but boy! he still got the body of a GOD!
My day with Jason on the set of "Shooting Livien" November 19, 2003
Part 6
At this point I lost track of how many takes and shot we did. Taking shot from different angles, changing lights. While doing another shot of the same thing, the director yelled "Cut" and asked Dominic while singing, try to look at Jason with a a smile and flirtatous. I was like "Whoa" and said to Dominic "Kiniky" "Yea, very." He said. Then I give Dominic the flirtatous and said "You should sometihng like that, like 'Hey, how you doin'?' kinda thing" "Hey I should" he said. Then he looked to his left and looked at Jason with "The look" and I just laughed cause Jason looked at him giving him well good response to his looks that he was giving Jason and smile kinkly back. I laughed even more! Oh man, I was enjoying myself. I can't seem to take that song off my head now. Like I can still hear Jason's voice echoing in my mind singing and playing the guitar.
There was fog in the scene all over the place. In between takes, they yell "Walffle, start walffling" meaning fan out the fog onto the stage and audience, making it look smokinly hot in a bar. Sorta sending that smoking-vibes-rock-dramatic-concerts. That you'll see on T.V. or in a club. To me, it's just so funny when they shout out WALFFLE. Making us extras cough and see blur and some what kinda high The fog smelled so sweet
They also yell "MAKE-UP" and the make-up would come up and put foundation on Jason's face. I wish I had her job and do Jason's makeup
There are also some bloopers that I will metion. When doing the same scene when Livien walks down the stairs and walks through the crowd to get up stage. Then when he gets up on stage he's suppose put his cigarette down behind him and take of his jacket aside like he doesn't care that his jacket would get dirty and puts on his glasses. That's was suppose to happen, except as Jason was trying to take off the jacket, his glasses fell to the floor, still holding the cigarette inn his right hand and yelled "Wait, hold on, I'm sorry. I dropped my glasses" Poor baby, he's trying to hard. Then he had to start over again.
The crew had to wrap up for Dominic's part because he had to leave early to make it on TRL for "The Lord of The Rings" that was coming out soon. Jason and Dominic exchanges numbers into the cell phones they had. I wish I had Jason's digits and said there good-byes till the next shoot. Instead of shaking hands or hugging good-bye, they hit close fists to each other. Meaning, both of there fist were close and touched each other knockles, I hope you guys can understand me. It's a guy thing. Then Dominic rushed out of there before I had even had a cahnce to say good-bye myslef. Oh well, there's always next time.......