Roswell na DVD

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Post by ujemny » Sun Feb 22, 2004 12:36 pm

Witam :!:

:shock: Polak wygral cos za granica ciekawe czy ci przysla :P
Odnosnie wydania na DVD w Polsce to mam mieszane uczucia czy to wydaja. Taki supere serial "Stargate" 8 seria o czerwca w TV a w Polsce na DVD nie ma wydania. Wiec pozotaje tylko sciagac odcniki z netu oczywisnie DVDripy

To samo zostaje na w przypadku Roswell jesli chodzi o DVD ripy tego jeszcze goracego wydania to mowie raz jeszcze bo juz to pisalem w komentarzach (malo kto mi wierzy ;) ) mam juz cale TRZY ODCINKI w DVD ripie oczywiscie sie podziele jesli ktos kce.
Moge to wrzucic na FTP tylko dajcie na miary :P

Ps. Pierwszy post n forum 8)


Ups prosba do moderatora myslalem ze juz mnie zalogowal i napisalem posta jako gosc mozecie go usunac :D
3 Sezony Roswell w DVD rip dostępne zapraszam do wymiany jeśli ktoś ma słabe łącze a pragnąłby mieć kolekcje na swej półce
A takze dodatki do 1 sezonu :D

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Post by Nan » Sun Feb 22, 2004 5:29 pm

Na pewno przyślą :wink: Zresztą - należało ci się, {o}.
Roswell na DVD już jest, a nam pozostaje czekanie aż wyjdzie u nas (albo i nie). Na otarcie łez - parę screencapsów (linki, bo inaczej strona otwiera się godzinę) i różnych drobnostek, wygrzebane z działu "Twórcy".
Lizziett wrote:O Jasonie i "Grudge" na razie żadnych nowych wiadomoś to sporo o "Roswell- seson one" na i wielu innych zajmuje 3 miejsce pod względem sprzedazy, wyprzedzając nawet "Piratów Caraibów" .
Wielu fanów narzeka jednak na to wydanie, przede wszystkim z uwagi na to jak wiele ucięto z "legendarnej muzyki" zastępując ją nowymi kawałkami...świętokradztwo poza tym nie mogą odżałować, że nie umieszczono na płycie scen z castingu Jasona&Shiri.
Po łbie obrywa jak zwykle Katims- ten facet pewnie ukrywa sie w jakiejś ciemnicy, a jeśli już musi wyjść z domu, to w papierowej torbie na głowie
Tak czy inaczej, tutaj są dwie recenzje, nawet całkiem przyjemne.

Z "DVD Entertiment"

The teenage years can be very awkward. You aren’t a kid anymore, but not an adult yet either. There’s the difficulties associated with first romances, and changing relationships with friends and parents. It can be trying in the best of circumstances, but it’s even more tricky when you find out that some of your best friends are aliens.

That’s the predicament Liz Parker (Shiri Appleby) finds herself in. While working at the Crashdown Cafe in Roswell, NM one afternoon, two men get in an argument. One pulls a gun, and they start grappling. During the fight, the gun goes off and Liz is shot in the stomach. As the two men run off, one of Liz’s schoolmates, Max (Jason Behr) runs to her. He places his hand on her wound and heals her. He asks her not to tell anyone what happened, and runs off. You see, Max is an alien. He, along with his sister Isabel (Katherine Heigl) and friend Michael (Brendan Fehr,) arrived on Earth in the UFO that crashed near Roswell in the late 1940’s. (They were contained in incubation chambers and didn’t emerge until the late 80’s looking about 5 years old.) They each have special powers, but they are afraid that the government will lock them up if they are found out, so they hide their abilities.

By saving Liz’s life, Max has put himself, and his alien friends at risk. The local sheriff, Jim Valenti (William Sadler,) realizes that something strange happened during the shooting. First of all, the bullet that was fired couldn’t be found at all. Added to that was the fact that the uniform that Liz was wearing had a bullet hole in it. Neither Liz nor any of the other people in the restaurant will admit that anything out of the ordinary happened, but Valenti is not about to give up that easily.

Liz promises Max she won’t tell anyone, but she isn’t really good at keeping a secret, so her best friends Maria (Majandra Delfino) and Colin (Colin Hanks son of actor Tom Hanks) soon find out about the aliens too.

Max, Isabel, and Michael want to find out where they come from and who they really are more than anything,. So with the help of the three humans who know their real identity, they start searching for the truth. Unfortunately it looks like someone else is searching for aliens too, the FBI.

The youths finds some evidence that leads them to believe that there is another alien on Earth, one who has used his powers to kill. So these six teenagers have to track down an alien who may be a serial killer, while staying one step ahead of the local sheriff and the FBI. Who said being a teenager was easy?

Though Roswell has all the trappings of a science fiction show, it is more of a teenage soap opera. The story about the aliens often takes a back seat the budding romance between the main characters and the fact that they can’t be together because they aren’t the same species. Sort of a modern day version of Romeo and Juliet. As the series progresses, more characters pair off, and more road blocks to happiness pop up.

I was happy to see that there is a story arc in this season, which is pretty well wrapped up at the end (though there is ample room for more stories.) The science fiction aspects of the show were interesting and the strongest aspect of the show. Though I wasn’t really impressed with the first few episodes, as the season went on I found myself being drawn into the story. By the end of the season I was really wanted to see how it was all wrapped up. The murdering alien and some of the more eerie aspects of the show worked well.

The romance subplots, on the other hand, never did much for me. I’ll admit that this show is aimed at teenagers, a group that I have not been a member of for quite some time, but I thought they spent much too much time on this part of the show. Younger viewers, particularly women, might find the ‘we love each other but can’t be together’ plots touching, but I didn’t. They never really explained to my satisfaction why the aliens (or humans depending on the episode) didn’t feel that they could date another species. The various on-again off-again relationships just left me cold.

There were a higher than average number of shows that felt like filler. Some clues and trails that were explored over several shows turned out to be dead ends, and that was disappointing. Others shows dealt mainly with the romances and didn’t advance the main story very much. Had they cut these episodes out, the series would have been much stronger as a whole.

Another problem I had with the show was the many plot holes and continuity errors that cropped up throughout the show. Maybe I noticed as many as I did because I watched the entire season over a short period of time, but it really got annoying after a while. There were little things, like Max healing Liz with his left hand and leaving a right hand print on her stomach. And then there were the big things, like a man being shot in the chest, and then perfectly fine the next day. (He even admitted that the bullet missed his heart by six inches.) Or the kids parents (they all still lived at home) not noticing that they would be gone over night. Things like that happened a lot. The show also wins the award for the most inconspicuous FBI agents ever.

There were a lot of mistakes with time too. In one episode Michael and Maria take a road trip. Max, Liz and Isabel start following them an hour later. Three or four hours after that, Liz’s old boyfriend Kyle (Nick Wechsler,) starts after the other two groups. Yet Kyle arrives at the destination about ten minutes after Liz’s group. Things like that happen throughout the series, and it really made it hard to suspend my disbelief.

One last aspect that I didn’t care for was the fact the aliens’ powers were not very well defined at the beginning of the series. They could do whatever the situation called for. It really wasn’t a Deus ex Machina device, since it was small things usually, but the strange things they could do left me scratching my head. They could play a CD out loud by holding it, see into people’s past by kissing them, mend broken pottery by waving a hand over it, and just about anything else that the writers can think up. By the end of the series they limited the aliens one major power each, and that worked much better.

One thing I will give the series, is that the ending was very good. Without giving anything away, I thought it wrapped up the major plots and did not seem contrived or stupid.

The acting in the series was fairly good, but not outstanding. My favorite actor had to be Majandra Delfino as Maria. She was able to play the kooky friend well, without turning the character into a parody. She made Maria seem three dimensional and real. Brendan Fehr was excellent as Michael, the bad boy of the group. He though his character was mad most of the time, but he didn’t hit the same angry note each time. He tired (and mostly succeeded) in varying the character’s mood enough so that he didn’t come across as a caricature.

Oddly enough, I thought Shiri Appleby, the main character Liz, was the weakest actor. She preformed really well in the serious heart-to-heart scenes, but she played every scene with the same tone and style. It seemed like she only had one emotion throughout the show. Ironically, her character had the least amount of development throughout the show. Usually the person a show revolves around has the deepest history and background, but not in this case. That may have hampered Shiri’s performance some.

i z "Entertiment weekly"

ROSWELL: The Complete First Season
Shiri Appleby, Jason Behr

Unrated, 16 hrs., 8 min.
1999-2000 (Fox)

Review by Nisha Gopalan

"The mutant child of 'My So-Called Life' writer Jason Katims and 'X-Files' director-producer David Nutter, the former WB series begins as a sweet, giddy tale of two literally star-crossed teens. But the compelling connection between doe-eyed girl-next-door Liz (Appleby) and stone-faced otherwordly hunk Max (Behr) quickly transcends the obvious alien/alienation metaphor. Unabashedly sentimental yet witty in all the right places, 'Roswell' takes off when grounded in the domestic: the kids' explosive chemistry (they have visions when they kiss); their 'Goonies'-like outings (as Max discovers his roots); playing around with superpowers (like melting cheese instantaneously). But toward season's end, when the plot grows restless and devolves into less talk and more action, this supernova sputters out in an embarrassing bid for ratings.

EXTRAS: You can skip the deleed scene, featurettes, producer oice-overs, and audition tapes - and head straight for the giggly commentary from Appleby and costar Majandra Delfino, who dish about their fellow cast members' physiques and faking orgasms.

Rating: B-"
Ela wrote:Z dyskusji na f4f wygląda na to że liczono na więcej scen z poza więcej wywiadów...
Aniu, podobno jest tam ciekawa rozmowa Shiri i Majandry na temat Jasona i Brendana i wrażeń z "obcowania" z nimi na planie i poza ...wiesz coś o tym ?
Ela wrote:Najbardziej podobała mi się wypowiedź jednego z fanów, który unaocznia nam jak działa ten cały interes w Stanach...Przypominam - wydanie serialu na DVD poprzedzone było wielką kampanią fanów + kłania sie promocja serialu, akcje chrytatywne i zbiórka pieniędzy. W zamian za to po miesiącach oczekiwania dostają to:

And you can't tell me that FOX can't afford to clear more songs for Roswell... They sell more TV-on-DVD product than anyone else! (the hugely profitable Buffy, Angel, X-Files and Simpsons releases, etc)
This whole thing makes me furious. To hell with being nice and grateful to get the show on DVD at all. We should be fighting mad here. For god's sake, they KNOW we're desperate for the show on DVD and that they can get our money no matter what. Hence the lack of effort on their part, even in terms of providing more extras to make up for the replaced music.
I'm sorry but even if it's true that they couldn't find more deleted scenes or gag reels to include (which I doubt) - they could've asked more of the actors to do commentaries. You KNOW that William Sadler and Nick Wechsler would've participated, at the very least. Why weren't they asked?
As far as I can see, FOX and Katims and whoever else was involved, exerted as little effort as possible in producing these DVDs, because they knew perfectly well that we'd take whatever we could get.
In other words, they're taking advantage of our love for this series. Rather than rewarding the loyal fans.
I mean, come on. Why not create a limited edition version of Season 1, with all original music, and charge as much money as they need to for it? Huh?

Trzęsie mnie ze złości razem z nim. Wracam do czytania...
Gdyby ktos miałby ochotę poczytać na temat pierwszych reakcji na wydanie seialu na DVD to podaję link: ... UBMIT.y=10

Jestem znowu...okazuje sie że prawie 90%piosenek wymienili. I to tych bardzo znaczących..Mały przykład:

The nerve of Jason Katims, to claim in the DVD insert, that the "emotional" scenes were left intact... Oh yeah? What about "I Love You" with Max & Liz at the end of Leaving Normal? Or "Run" with Michael & Maria in Independence Day? Those aren't emotional scenes?
Pilot ... 7a4f&size=
Heat Wave :P ... 71e1&size=
Four Square ... 5358&size= ... 5310&size=

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Post by zajavka » Sun Feb 22, 2004 6:35 pm

Dzięki Nan, za wklejenie tutaj tych wiadomości. Tą pierwszą recenzję już czytałam. Nie była zbyt przychylna
{o} gratuluję wygranej, pochwal się jak już dostaniesz. Możesz tylko przypomnieć co trzeba było zrobić, aby wygrać//
Znalazłam taki krótki opis dodatków roswell na DVD. Nie jest źle, chociaż wolałabym żeby było trochę więcej ujęć spoza planu i kręcenia poszczególnych odcinków

The Extras:

There are some nice extras included with this set.

Commentary Tracks: There are commentaries on the following episodes: The Pilot with writer Jason Katims and director David Nutter; Blood Brother with David Nutter; The Balance with writer Thania St. John; Sexual Healing with Shiri Appleby (Liz) and Majandra Delfino (Maria); Crazy with Shiri Appleby and Majandra Delfino; and Destiny with Jason Katims and director Patrick Norris.

None of these interested me too much. The ones with the directors, they mainly talk about what they were trying to do with the direction and background music. They tell you what you are looking at on screen a lot, something I rather dislike. (“And here the character is watching two people talk. From the look on his face, you can see he’s not happy.” That kind of stuff.)

The commentaries with Appleby and Delfino weren’t any better. They talked about how much they liked the other actors, and mentioned which scenes were difficult to film, but there were long gaps in the dialog where nothing was said. There just wasn’t a lot of information in the commentaries that I found interesting or added to my enjoyment of the show.

Deleted Scene from the Pilot: A single short scene that was probably cut for reasons of time. It didn’t add anything to the plot.

Area 51 Featurette: A half hour featurette discussing the show’s origin and premise with the cast and crew. It wasn’t too exciting, a promo piece but the looks of it. They mainly talk about things you already know if you just finished watching the entire series.

Roswell High Featurette: An interview with the writer and editor of the book series that the show was based on. This is only 10 minutes long, but it was more interesting. They discuss how the series got started, and how quickly it was turned into a TV show.

Emilie de Ravin Audition Tape: Two audition scenes with the actress who plays Tess (a character who is introduced later in the show.

Music Video: Save Yourself by Sense Field

Jam jest kielich bez dna. Jam jest śmierć bez grobu. Jam jest imię bez imienia.

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Post by setka » Sun Feb 22, 2004 8:02 pm

Special Features on the Roswell Season One DVD Have Changed
Date: Feb 18, 2004

Initial Specs:

Full Frame (1.33:1)
English Dolby Surround audio
Disc 1: Commentary on Pilot by David Nutter and Jason Katims; Deleted Scenes with Optional Commentary
Disc 2: Commentary on "285 South", "Blood Brother" with David Nutter and Colin Hanks; Deleted Scenes with Optional Commentary
Disc 3: Commentary on "Heat Wave"; Deleted Scenes with Optional Commentary
Disc 4: Commentary on "Independence Day"; Deleted Scenes with Optional Commentary
Disc 5: Commentary on "Max to the Max"; Deleted Scenes with Optional Commentary
Disc 6: Commentary on "Destiny"; Deleted Scenes with Optional Commentary; 3 Featurettes; Gag Reel; Actor Audition "Tess"; "Save Yourself" Music Video

Final Specs:

Anamorphic Widescreen (1.78:1)
English Dolby Digital 5.1
Disc 1: Commentary on Pilot by David Nutter and Jason Katims; Deleted Scene
Disc 2: Commentary on "Blood Brother" by David Nutter
Disc 3: Commentary on "The Balance" by Thania St. John
Disc 4: Commentary on "Sexual Healing" by Shiri Appleby and Majandra Delfino
Disc 5: Commentary on "Crazy"by Shiri Appleby and Majandra Delfino
Disc 6: Commentary on "Destiny" by Jason Katims and Patrick Norris; 2 Featurettes; Actor Audition "Tess"; "Save Yourself" Music Video

The audio and video specs were improved, 4 episode commentaries were changed, most of the deleted scenes were taken out, a featurette was ditched, and the gag reel is gone.
Like they say..."Special Features are Subject to Change."

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Post by brendanferhfan » Sun Feb 22, 2004 8:26 pm

zamierzam sobie kupic... nie chce mi sie czekac a pozatym nie wiadomo czy w koncu wydadza w Polsce czy nie ja chyba jednak kupie gdzies w jakims sklepie... w koncu juz i tak sie zniecierpliwilam :twisted:

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Post by ujemny » Mon Feb 23, 2004 9:49 pm

Problem w tym ze jak nie wydaja w Polsce to na bank jak kupisz gdzie indziej nie bedziesz mial polskich napisow.
Oczywiscie nie znam twojego stopnia zaawansowania w angielskim ale pozostana ci inne napisy moze byc i ang. dla lepszego zrozumienia ;)
Ja jednak wole dvd ripa zreszta moge sie pochwalic ze juz zrobilem razem z qmlem dexterem synchro do dwoch pierwszych docinkow w dvd ripie :P

3 Sezony Roswell w DVD rip dostępne zapraszam do wymiany jeśli ktoś ma słabe łącze a pragnąłby mieć kolekcje na swej półce
A takze dodatki do 1 sezonu :D

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Post by setka » Mon Feb 23, 2004 10:31 pm

***ujemny- chyba nie jest to do końca tak. Jeżeli by kupił przykładowo w USA (region 1)to na bank nie będzie polskich napisów. Jeżeli natomiast kupi na czyli z Wielkiej Brytanii w regionie 2 (czyli naszym) to wydaję mi się, a nawet i jestem o tym przekonany, że napisy polskie będą. Nie sądzę abym nie miał racji co do tego... Sprawdzę to jeszcze. Pozdrawiam

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Post by liz » Wed Feb 25, 2004 11:56 am

No no no... {o}, moje gratulacje!!! A jak dostaniesz i obejrzysz to koniecznie napisz czy to DVD jest:

b)pół na pół
c)do niczego

I jeszcze raz gratuluję naszemu zwycięzcy!!! :cheesy:

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Post by brendanferhfan » Fri Feb 27, 2004 11:31 pm

szczerze to nie jestem zbyt mocna w angielskim ale jakos pojdzie aaa... i jeszcze cos jesli okaze sie ze te polskie napisy jednak beda to kupie w tym regionie drugim (jezeli dobrze to zrozumialam) ale z napisami czy bez to wszystko jedno aby bylo bo... bez Roswell nie ma zycia (chociaz i tak mam wszystkie odcinki ale na DVD jeszcze nie mam :) ) no wiec jeszcze poczekam az {o} obejrzy skomentuje... a potem jak juz powie ze jest swietne itd. to kupuje :D

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Post by liz » Sun Feb 29, 2004 7:13 pm

Ja też czekam na opinię {o} A poza tym zapraszam na stronę Jest to strona DVD Roswell. Wesług mnie wspaniała! Polecam! :D (i mam nadzieję że nie była już wymieniona)

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Post by ujemny » Sat Apr 10, 2004 5:23 pm

No to odsnieze troche temat bo mam pytanie techniczne do {o} na ilu plytkach sa te odcinki dvd tnz ile odcinkow jest na jednym dvd.
Poczytalem troche i chyba sobie zrobie dvdrip czyli avi na dvd do tego jeszcze sobie wrzuce napisy polskie :P
Tylko nadal nie mam dodatkow :?
3 Sezony Roswell w DVD rip dostępne zapraszam do wymiany jeśli ktoś ma słabe łącze a pragnąłby mieć kolekcje na swej półce
A takze dodatki do 1 sezonu :D

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Post by brendanferhfan » Sat Apr 10, 2004 8:55 pm

OOooo wlasnie {o} dostales juz plytki?

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Post by brendanferhfan » Sun Jun 13, 2004 10:45 am

Wlasnie przeczytalam nowego newsa na roswell.xcom i otoz ta piekna okladka 2 sezonu
Prawda ze switna? Tylko zastanawiaja mnie te cienie na dole moim zdaniem to Isabel Max i Michael chociaz nie jestem pewna...
Na oficjalnej stronie ..niestety niec nowego

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Post by Liz_Parker » Thu Jun 17, 2004 11:46 pm

Mi się wydaje, że to ;) w środku to Liz, ale pewnie się mylę. Czy na Roswell DVD Sezon 2 będą jakieś dodatki??
"I Have Promises To Keep, And Miles To Go Before I Sleep." ROBERT FROST
"So That's The End. Our Life In Roswell. What A Long Strange Trip It's Been"

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Post by ujemny » Thu Jun 24, 2004 12:43 pm

Na pewno beda przeciez na pierwszym wydaniu DVD tez sa tylko ze nigdzie ich nie ma chyba nikt nie "wyprodukowal" dvd ripow z dodtakami szukam caly czas ale nadal nie ma :(
3 Sezony Roswell w DVD rip dostępne zapraszam do wymiany jeśli ktoś ma słabe łącze a pragnąłby mieć kolekcje na swej półce
A takze dodatki do 1 sezonu :D

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Post by Liz_Parker » Thu Jun 24, 2004 1:14 pm

Kurczę, jeśli o mnie chodzi to na 2 mogłoby nie być żadnych dodatków, ale żeby na 3 była scena wycięta z Graduation.....
"I Have Promises To Keep, And Miles To Go Before I Sleep." ROBERT FROST
"So That's The End. Our Life In Roswell. What A Long Strange Trip It's Been"

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Post by Sophia » Sun Jun 27, 2004 12:02 am

Mam takie male pytanko... Sorry jezeli ktos jus o to pytal, ale nie mam sily czytac wszystkich postow :D Czy DVD z Roswell pojawilo sie juz w wersji REGION2 czy jeszcze nie? Bede wdzieczna za info!


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Post by Liz_Parker » Sun Jun 27, 2004 12:11 am

Aniu, Pierwszy Sezon jest i to już dawno w 2 regionie.
"I Have Promises To Keep, And Miles To Go Before I Sleep." ROBERT FROST
"So That's The End. Our Life In Roswell. What A Long Strange Trip It's Been"

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Post by Sophia » Sun Jun 27, 2004 12:50 am

Liz_Parker wrote:Aniu, Pierwszy Sezon jest i to już dawno w 2 regionie.
Mowilam, ze mialam baaaaardzo dluuuuuuga przerwe od Roswell, hehe :) Na razie to sie raczej nie zanosi, zebym nabyla plytki, ale moze w przyszlosci sie skusze. Dzieki za info!


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Post by Liz_Parker » Sun Jun 27, 2004 10:55 am

Nie ma za co. ;)

Chodźcie napiszemy petycję, żeby dali wyciętą scenę z Graduation na DVD. Przetłumaczyć ją na angielski, niemiecki i jaki język się da, żeby ludzie z wielu krajów mogli się podpisać.
"I Have Promises To Keep, And Miles To Go Before I Sleep." ROBERT FROST
"So That's The End. Our Life In Roswell. What A Long Strange Trip It's Been"

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