chcesz spoilera jak rozumiem... jak tam sobie panienka zyczy... (za cholere tego nie rozumiem, ale kimze ja jestem..)
no wiec SPOILER:
nie, nie spelnila sie. z tego co widzowie wiedza (bo cholera wie czy to prawda) Angel zrzekl sie praw do tej przepowiedni. nigdy nie bedzie zyl.
ja tez nie mam pojecia co takiego strasznego dzialo sie w "Lullaby", ale tez dawno juz tego odcinka nie widzialem. mam go tylko na plytce i nie chce mi sie teraz go szukac. o ile pamietam to tam Darla umarla po raz czwarty
swoja droga jaka wersje sciagasz (bo ja tego ostrzezenia nie mialem)?? nie lepiej sciagac DVDRipy? 350 mega i doskonala jakosc. poza tym wiecej zrodel niz jakakolwiek inna wersja.
Firefly is set four hundred years from today in the Union of Planets, a government established after a bitter civil war. Under the leadership of Malcolm Reynolds, a renegade who fought against the new government, the crew of the Firefly-class vessel "Serenity" must struggle to survive any way they can. They fly to the border planets to keep away from the Alliance and below it's radar. This series has been described as a "science fiction western" but will be different from other space based shows as it will feature no aliens.
Each of the crew members has a special role. Malcolm Reynolds holds the duty as Captain - he is a defeated soldier who opposed the unification of the planets by the Alliance to no avail. Striving to be normal, he must keep all his crew members on task and have Serenity flying safely. Zoe (aka The Soldier) is extremely loyal to Reynolds as she served with him during the war and owes her life to him. Zoe has the strength and experience to take command of the ship, if necessary. Her husband, Wash is the pilot of the ship and is unassuming, self-deprecating and calm with a sense of humour. The mechanic of the ship is the experienced engineer, Kaylee while the Ambassador is Inara and the Mercenary is the tough, ultimately loyal, and unpleasant Jayne. Simon is the doctor on Serenity and comes from a wealthy family and has a privileged upbringing. His sister, River (aka The Fugitive) is an experienced psychic who can read most minds. And lastly, Book or "The Shepherd", an old and wise priest.
PS: przyznac sie kto na co glosuje!!!

(ja wiem, ze to wstyd w niektorych przypadkach, ale miejcie troche odwagi cywilnej
