No dobra, wiem- zaczynacie mieć mnie dosyć

ale...komu chce się jeszcze poczytać coś o przebiegu Genie i na tyle zna angielski by jakoś to zrozumieć (no pewnie , że znacie

) to zapraszam. Mamy tu kolejną relację osoby, która rozmawiała z Brenem (echhh...ja też chcę !

) , poza tym była razem z Sue- czyli fanką, której relację zamieściłam poprzednio.
A tak jeszcze w ramach ciekawostki- ponoć mama Brendana jest niesamowicie miłą, ciepłą osobą i ponoć Bren wygląda zupełnie jak ona

To kobieta , której cały czas trzymały się żarty, humor dopisywał...rozładowywała atmosferę jednym słowem. Widac rodzinka Fehrów jest bardzo bezpośrednia, co zresztą wciąż potwierdzają fani (jeden opowiadał jak to spotkał jedną z sióstr Brendana - Angelę i jak sobie żartowali

). No, już się zamykam
Tylko jeszcze dodam

- w tej relacji możemy dużo dowiedzieć się na temat promocji ''Sugar'' w Londynie, która już się zaczęła , ale Bren jeszcze tam wraca- w Maju

A ja będę tam już w Czerwcu !!! Może Bren tam zostanie do Czerwca, co ? Jak myślicie ?
wave;( hiding from frying pan, wips & gosh knows what else eh!!) F.S. & Ali, your so funny!!!)
I got to meet Brendan, & okay ......I got my pix, & it better turn out or else!!!
Ha! okay so like I spent whole frigging hour, just reading 4 pages, & I don't consider myself a slow reader.( wait, I heard, something outside my window, oh no wait, someone's knocking upstairs, no wait, Just teasing myself agian!!) Okay so the ADHD moment has passed.
You know this is going to be like the "longest post ever" eh!! I mean I'm a "down to the tiny bits of details or aka ;just get to the point"
Okay so lets see,
Sue wrote down that we did indeed arirve there for the 4:15am"cocktails",
Then as i was "wondering around"( aka- trying to see If brendan has arrived yet, as as "confirmed" by a reporter nope, but is expected to arrive any minute now.
I went back to Sue & T, as they wee sitting down, or a some points, just "getting away from the cameras), But not such luck, because
ladies" if you look closly to the beginging of the show, at the "cocktails( Red carpets arrivals, ect.), You will notice Sue, t & Yours truely, right behind the guy , whose interviewing that French man( but seriuosly, it really should of been called the "Quebec Awards", ( remeber us, we never wanted to be part of your Conuntry, & after compliaing for several years, got our wish!)
sorry I do have it in for them, personally , okay so moving on.( as that is another story oh not so "who cares")/issues?
You realise I'm doing this on purpose right! anyone getting ready to hit me yet??
So, okay The "socialite Butterfly" that I am, I couldn't stand in one spot for too long, & sit down, was so outa the question for me, I was on the "move"
I spoted the"designer Guys, & totally fliped out( in my mind, as I was so awsome acting all calm & s*** darn it, i want a awards for "best behaiviour ever, by a female, hyper/oh my god " person"
So I stat to"follow" the guy, but noticed that has he was speaking"normal" to this other guy, it was actually being taped! yeah, so I'm "over here, in the side lines". I so not wanted to be on any t.v. whatso ever, now any other times okay, but just not that night!
anyhow, so after that "gorgeous" blond hunk, was done yapping, I followed him( yeah I know, pretty lame, but hey! "everyone was like doing the "traveilling" right", normal.
I finally got a hold of the guy, ( ,pant pant), & I talked to j=him for a minute, & then "wham, the "big question, I always "dread to ask, because there's really no time( right or wrong), like the "present".
so I had my pix, with them, they are the most gorgeous guys, & I'm totally liking that one guy, & yeah! theyr'e both "lovers", or whatever's??, anyways, no gay for me, right!!
but hey, I thought the two men were very nicce, & so "heartwarming" ect.
what the?? hang on, one cat's being an "idiot".
okay where was I? oh yeah, so I was like in "heaven" after that eh, walking back, talking to "too many people", I love it eh, I just have to talk & talk, &,
so then I kept going back & forth, & at times, lost T & Sue, &
& then I was just looking ahead, & noticed,brendan standing like 2 feet away from me, Oh! I told Sue, I'm gonna grab him now,( not like that, just the saying, meaning going to get his atention), so I go up,
me- Brendan!,It's so nice to see you agian, I'm J.M. that meet you last year at the Film Festival.
Brendan- shakes my hand & says yes( or yeah?)( who cares right? )
I'm joking with you all, man this is so fun, okay
Me( aka JeannieM)- I came here with Sue & T, they're over there( I pointed ,or did I?),
I asked him, if he doesn't mind taking a picture with me,& he said yeah I'm going to get a drink 1st, as he's saying that I said Is theis your Mom?
He said yes, & she talkied to me for a bit, gosh she is so nice & wamming feeling, so you know brendan takes after her right!
I said, Yeah Boy, He sure looks like you, blah blah, same ole sayings eh!
okay so he gets called over to a reporter, & I follow him & his Mom, & he puts his hand up to me, gestering "just one moment". & I'm like "estastic eh!". Getting a bit excited, but being very calm, knowing that from "past " people I've met,ect.
he comes over after the reporter is done( I couldn't hear what they were saying, sorry ladies).
He said, come on,.lets get Sue to take the picture, & then "gesters" me, to "go ahead", & he follows me, & his Mom behind him.I'm so happy eh
so he gets up to Sue, right away knows her, & shakes her hand, & as i'm trying to be good, I talk too( oop's slipped), & tells Sue, this is his Mom, as Brendan says it after me I know I have to still learn to "wait".).
so then they greet, & then Sue Introduces brendan & his Mom to T, & then I asked him about England, or no, sorry Sue talks about having heard he was in England, & I said what parts( I know wait jeannie:bangshead), & he said he went to London, england, & Glasgow,Scotland, & really liked it,
I asked him( in more details as to where he went, & did you see, ect,) so he went to "leister square, went thru the "Piccadilly Circle"( that's a nightmare, honsetly, when I went thru that, but hey, the "top" one is that one in Germmany isn't it!!)Been thru that one too! & survived it all
oh, yeah,
so he went to all the "tourist stuff", ( exsamples: London Bridge,St.Pauls catherial, ect,), & then went over to Glascow, now I think he said a week there, & a week in London??
Sue, honestly has the best memory of anyone ,exspecially me), so she can 'confirm this okay) actually all of this,
He said he's going to London, in May, but his Mom said, no, it's end of march, Not the end of May. for "Sugar", so I assumed there was a film fest there,( I'm so going to ask/beg my cousin to go, I'm sure, she'll go, & her girlfriend eh!)( hoping)
I can't even remeber any more questions, but then I got my picture taken,he put his arm around me, as I put my arm around his back,. & snap.I just hope & Pray to God this turns out!!
I mean really I didn't want to bother him with anymore"requests", It does feel "uncomfortable", but then I wasn't going to ask him anything more, But Sue got a DVD signed, so I asked him to sign my"cut out of the awards scheduale" I know, but I forgot the "Childstar C.D.", & I was planning to talk to Don McKellar too, But I forgot it, in a "mad dash " to get packed, ect,
We all went our "seperate ways", & then as he was getting called over by a "reporter"& okay if anyone taped it, if you noticed that on the 'right hand of the t.v." /screen. I was standing behind the "other camera guy", trying to hear ,( Hey! I'm a full pledged BOF okay!!)
I got a bit about "How the work you did on Sugar was to compared to ". & that's all I heard, so i left, felt a bit eh.
I did more traveling, met a "load of Blond girls, & tons of "Movie Industy people" ect.
The Awards show was starting, so at 6pm we head for the other room( by this time I'm running for stravation eh! I'm just teasing I wasn't, but I move for a little short thing eh!)
oh shoot, I missed out on the amount of booze I actually drank:cheers: & the other talkings,
okay so I will have to spped some up here, it's now 12:28 am, & "everyone" knows whose house I've gotta clean up tommorrow.
okay so I talked to too many people, I can't even remeber who & if I 'already did" ( typical adhd okay, spare me a bit okay ladies!! ) I asked this one guy for a "Sambuka & Coke"( meaning mixed drinks okay, I'm not in Amerstdamn )
& he said we only have the"rregular" drinks here, no "sprirts" what the so now I've gota fill my stomach with V & OJ, like I haven't had one of those in a very long time.
so I orderd, & orderd & orederd & &&&&&
I actualy saw someone beside me have "cranberry juice", so I was "pretty much stuck on that all evening".
Oh, you guys are gonna love this one, It's "exactly" how i thought this would be.
waiters in all white suits, come over, every lke 2 minutes9 there's a new guy or same guy), with "ord'ervurs(sp?) I know it's a close spelling right??
& on the plates, yeah you know, " seafood ". so I totally "skipped that & ate these "peach w/cream cheese on it" oh, I also "spotted" some of those "shish-kabobs" I knew right away it was "pork w/seasoned chives on it& or parsley". & I "knew that that on the table beside the burner trays was "mint flavored jelly" for to put on it.I was just so happy to know all this, with out the " " of asking "what is this> I mean I pretty much knew what all was served, ect.( okay so I know my foods ( hids someplace now )
Then we get into the sitting area/arena you know cement floors, with red carpets all ocve the place & the cords too eh!
I'm sitting at table( last one in the corner, so n=knowbody even knows I'm there spot) table"67", I will always remeber that, it's the "year I was born".oh wait i really shouldn't be bragging that this July i'l be 38, oh so what I tell everyone, why keep it a secret right!!
I mean My Mom always hated people knowing her age?
So I never saw which table brendan & His Mom sat, sorry, but of course I spotted Don McKellar, I just had to go talk to him I really like this guy eh! he's like so much like what my family is like. "you know that werid 6th sence, us Females have" anyways, i have that"vibe",
okay moving on, so the awards are going on, & we are sitting with such lovley people, & Brad, well i liked him a lot, he seemed to be able to talk just as much as me!( I found a match Sue & T! , okay there's the realistic that , "I'm one of a kind person".& definately never hard to "forget" once talked to )
You all can take that as a warning, or you know, whatever! I'm having so much fun with all of you ladies this very earily evening/day now!!!
I saw "Alan Thiche" go up on stage, & My mind went 'wondering agian! So, yeah :note to myself, get a chance to talk to this man, ?? chances are like 1-??????????? but you know I'm determined person, so "yes or no", will be the least I tried
also so great to know I've never been a shy person, who has time for that, I don't?? Too hyper,Nah, really never crossed your minds , not even once right!!
okay so the meal was great, brendan didn't win though, totally P***** me off, I mean Oh, "surprise, another french dude, from , where else? Quebec, Or was he from "Montre'al"? same ddirection, who cares, really I thought " a nobody won this??", darn it, that totally sucks
okay I was not happy at all at this, but agian with a bunch of "mixed" people at the party i realy couldn't say:bs:" although that & a lot more was under my tiongue,
I was like bleeding of anger eh!!
But It is horrible, but as I watched the show a bit earilier, I noticed that the ones that won, really weren't that "good", but then "politics" came into my mind agian!!
So after that "devastation", Sue, made me laugh, she said" Well shall we go now". I'm like pretending to get outa my chair,& saying, okay lets go! & Thank God, we had a bunch of "humour like people eh!!" That's okay I'm so postive Brad would back me up with some laughter eh!!( if it didn't go on as good)
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