Hi sweety !
It’s so nice to see you here, I thought that you forgot about us.

Congratulation for Parallel Series ! Wow, I see that you begin editing process and it’s going faster and faster, isn't it ? Each of us is very curious about this story, and we cannot wait it. GAW hasn’t been down, no way. I translate it still. Slowly, but with a great pleasure.
Look Deidre, how fine arts Nan is creating for it.
viewtopic.php?t=1186&start=400. Despite of her dislike earlier, now she loves Marco (or Colin F., who knows

We spoke about your beautiful house and garden, and I can only imagine how it inspires you. Besides, summer is so exciting.
Kiss, Ela
Deidre na swoim blogu
http://deidreknight.blogspot.com/ , pozdrowiła także swoich przyjaciół z Polski, i poprosiła by odwiedzający ją tam, przedstawili się. Króciutko...mam na imię ...mieszkam tu i tu. Olka i ja już ją odwiedziłyśmy. Wszystkich którzy mają ochotę, autorka serdecznie zaprasza.