Haha ale nam sie nudzi prawda ?Nan wrote:Kilka słów, które zajęły tłumaczowi kilka chwil, a tu jaka dyskusja...
A swoją drogą - cóż, pokazano nam przeszłość "rodzinną" Jacka, matkę, ojca, ale na razie milczą co do jego partnerki (ewentualnej).

Spokojnie wszystkiego (

A wracając do poprzedniego odcinka. Tylko tyle udało mi się znaleść.
Niestety reszta w formie untranslated...[EXT. BEACH - CRASH SITE - DAY - PRESENT]
(Jin steps on Sun's plants. Sun is startled out of her thoughts as she notices Jin's strange behavior. Jin stomps across the sand at something he sees that angers him.)
SUN: (in Korean) (unsubtitled) Honey --
(Jin ignores her. In front of him, Michael is talking with Walt. Jin storms
off in their direction. He's simply livid.)
SUN: (in Korean) [Subtitled: What's the matter?]
(Sun gets to her feet.)
(Jin runs toward Michael whose back is toward him. Jin tackles him from
MICHAEL: Hey! Hey, what the --
(Jin straddles Michael and punches him in the face. Walt runs over to them,
trying to get them to stop.)
WALT: Stop! Hey, stop!
(Jin punches Michael again. Walt reaches them, but Jin reaches out and pushes
Walt away from them.)
JIN: (shouts) (in Korean) (untranslated)